Getting a Bangor for your buck  |  UK & Ireland
Date posted:  1 May 2021
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Getting a Bangor for your buck

Two generations separate little Jed (2) and his grandfather Tom Clarke (pictured).

But both have the same aim – to raise money through sponsorship for the opening night of the Bangor Worldwide Missionary Convention this August. The evening will have a focus on the Persecuted Church Worldwide.

Tom Clarke, worldwide chairman of the convention, is walking 850 miles between January and August, while his daughter Joy is running 850 miles (equivalent to one marathon per week) and little Jed (Tom’s grandson) will complete 850 laps of his garden! As en was being put together, it was reported that Jed has now completed 397 lengths of his garden, Joy has run 300 miles and Tom has walked 365 miles.

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