UK Ravi break

Nicola Laver /  |  UK & Ireland
Date posted:  1 Apr 2021
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The UK Board of the Zacharias Trust is to break all links with Ravi Zacharias International Ministries (RZIM) and will be renamed. RZIM itself is to be dissolved in its current form and the use of ‘The Zacharias Institute’ brand will be dispensed with.

As it begins to restructure its UK ministry, the Board said: ‘[We have] taken the unanimous decision to make a clear separation from the global RZIM organisation. In governance terms the UK entity has always been a separate charity with independent trustees, but in the current circumstances we believe that we must now operate without any link to RZIM US.’

It follows a torrid couple of years for the global organisation since abuse accusations against its late founder, apologist Ravis Zacharias.

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