Evangelicals in Wales fight gay marriage

EN  |  UK & Ireland
Date posted:  1 Mar 2021
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Evangelicals  in Wales fight  gay marriage

The six dioceses of the Church in Wales

An evangelical minister in the Church in Wales (CiW) has told en he ‘won’t cave’ if same-sex marriage is ever imposed upon the denomination.

The CiW is considering introducing same-sex marriage blessings in its services, after bishops proposed radical changes to the Book of Common Prayer. Whilst proposing the change, the bishops of the CiW recognised that the Bible expresses all sexual activity outside of marriage as ‘unbridled lust’, and that the change is proposed due to ‘new understandings’ outside of the Bible. The Bible is to be ‘re-interrogated’. Those in ministry critical of the move noted that this path was laid from 2004 in a course which included a biased presentation of same-sex attraction. The Evangelical Fellowship of the Church in Wales (EFCW) made a statement upholding marriage, and lost many members (en contacted them for comment, and as yet, none has been forthcoming).

In a note explaining their desire to introduce the service, the Bench of Bishops say: ‘Scriptures condemn “porneia”. It is true that in Scripture faithful commitment is always portrayed as between a man and woman … and all other sexual activity, including references to same-sex activity, is portrayed as an expression of porneia.’ The evangelical minister told en: ‘Currently the revisions will not be imposed upon any clergy. If that changes, I will not cave, but will face whatever sanctions or disciplinary measures are applied, and if sacked, will consider my work done, and my witness to be faithful.’ In 2018, the bishops brought a new motion stating: ‘It is pastorally unsustainable for the Church to make no formal provision for those in same-gender relationships.’ This was backed unanimously by the six bishops. If approved, same-sex couples who are already legally married or in a civil partnership will be able to receive a blessing from a willing Church in Wales minister.

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