Prayer app sees record growth in Covid  |  UK & Ireland
Date posted:  1 Feb 2021
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Prayer app 
 sees record 
 growth in Covid

The PrayerMate app has seen growth during 2020 with record numbers of users in March and April.

Reaching a total of 444,000 downloads, there were 42,000 active users at the height of the UK lockdown. The PrayerMate community prayed for over 19 million prayer items in 2020 which is over 1.6 million items per month.

Discipleship Tech, the developers of the app, said: ‘We long to see God’s church mobilised in faithful prayer for this needy world, to see God’s people on their knees in humble adoration of and faithful dependence upon our Heavenly Father. It has been such an encouragement, therefore, to see during this strangest of years that the PrayerMate community has carried on praying. They have not given up or decided that prayer wasn’t worth bothering with. By God’s grace, even amidst the many new challenges the pandemic has brought, they have carried on with a habit of regular prayer.’

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