5,000,000 meals served!

Baptist Times  |  UK & Ireland
Date posted:  1 Dec 2020
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Churches across the UK have provided more than 5 million meals per month during the coronavirus pandemic, according to a report released by YourNeighbour entitled Church in lockdown.

YourNeighbour has been a UK-wide church response to Covid-19. In the six-week period after the onset of lockdown the founders built a network of over 1,100 churches with denominational partners including the Church of England, Salvation Army, Baptists Together, Assemblies of God, Vineyard, and the Methodist Church.

Tim Pikington, Director of YourNeighbour said: ‘As well as churches providing what we estimate to be more than 5 million meals per month to those in need, they have also played a vital role in providing emotional and spiritual needs through pastoral and bereavement support, domestic violence interventions and mentoring, among others.’

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