Supporting seniors better

Carl Knightly  |  UK & Ireland
Date posted:  1 Nov 2020
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Supporting seniors better

The Faith in Later Life logo

New guidance for Christian organisations in the support and value of older people was launched in October.

Produced by Professor Keith Brown, the founding Director of the National Centre for Post-Qualifying Social Work, and written in collaboration with Christian charity ‘Faith in Later Life’, this guidance provides expert insight and practical application across a variety of areas relating to later life.

There are almost 12 million older people (aged 65+) in the UK, and within this demographic the 85+ age group is the fastest growing. And, as with the wider society, churches often have a significant proportion of older people. Whether we want to reflect on how we celebrate the contributions of older Christians, or have a better understanding of loneliness, dementia or end-of-life care, this resource can help equip Christian organisations to effectively understand, support and empower the older people they engage with.

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