Jewish ministry name change

IMJP  |  UK & Ireland
Date posted:  1 Nov 2020
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Christian Witness to Israel is changing its name to International Ministry to Jewish People.

CEO Joseph Steinberg explained that: ‘We became increasingly aware that the name of our mission, Christian Witness to Israel, has become a hindrance to engage parts of the church as we seek to expand our reach and share the Good News of Jesus with as many Jewish people as possible. This is due to the assumption many make that our name means we are focused on politics or land issues in the Middle East when in fact we, as an evangelistic mission, are solely focused on telling Jewish people about Jesus, wherever they may be.’

Their new mission statement is twofold: to make Jewish followers of Jesus, and to engage and inspire the church to share in our work through prayer, giving and in welcoming new Jewish Christians into their congregations.

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