Co-Mission: praying the Lord’s Prayer

Co-Mission  |  UK & Ireland
Date posted:  1 May 2020
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Co-Mission: praying the Lord’s Prayer

A detail from ‘Prayer’ by Mugur Kreiss

Along with churches throughout the country, Co-Mission churches in London are adjusting to life in the face of a global pandemic. We are finding new ways to keep congregations connected, preach the gospel of Jesus Christ and care practically for one another and our neighbours.

On Sunday 15 March, Dundonald Church met together for the last time before social-distancing rules made church gatherings impossible. Richard Coekin (Senior Pastor of Dundonald Church) led the congregation in this expanded version of the Lord’s Prayer:

Our Father in heaven – thank you for Jesus in whom you have adopted us as your beloved children; help us remember that sickness and death will never separate us from your love, help us believe you will be with us through whatever lies ahead, and help us trust you are fully in control and perfectly good.

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