... but God meant it for good

EN  |  UK & Ireland
Date posted:  1 May 2020
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... but God meant it for good

photo: iStock

God’s people know that He is King, no matter what the circumstances. In these strange times, en wants to encourage God’s people to that end. If you have a story with a coronavirus connection, no matter how big or small, tweet or mail en, or call and leave a message. Here is a great example:

Northern Ireland

A pastor from the Ark Church in Belfast, Lee McClelland, who had been isolated in hospital with C-19, shared a seven-minute clip online recounting God’s goodness that he had experienced first-hand while at his lowest and most lonely.

Not knowing if he would end up on a ventilator, Lee said he cried out to the Lord, asking to be strengthened and encouraged. No-one was allowed into the room, no friend or pastor. When no-one else could get in, God sent Lee a cleaner.

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