SIN helpline: repenting of paedophilia

Sky News  |  UK & Ireland
Date posted:  1 Apr 2020
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SIN helpline: repenting of paedophilia

photo: iStock

A helpline for people concerned about their own sexual feelings towards children said the number of calls it received doubled in 2019.

Stop It Now! (SIN) [editor’s abbreviation], an anonymous helpline and website which tries to help people understand the reasons for their illegal behaviour and how to get support, said 94,342 people in the UK asked for help via its website and helpline.

It starts with porn...

Donald Findlater, SIN’s Director, said: ‘Tens of thousands of men in the UK are viewing and sharing sexual images of under-18s – these men are our friends, family, neighbours, and colleagues. Most are adults, but a significant proportion are teenagers. Many of these men started viewing this illegal material as part of their adult pornography habit, somehow not noticing or perhaps caring that these were images of children being abused. A few are struggling with a long-standing sexual interest in children and think that looking at ‘only pictures’ is a way of containing that interest.’

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