Paying students to fight ‘microaggressors’

en/Sunday Telegraph  |  UK & Ireland
Date posted:  1 Mar 2020
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Paying students to fight ‘microaggressors’


It was reported in January that Sheffield University had started paying students to challenge ‘microaggressions’ committed by other students.

The university, said that the new group, entitled Race Equality Champions, would help students: ‘develop skills to challenge subtle but offensive comments directed at black, Asian and minority ethnic people. [The] roles [were] created in response to student demand, working closely with the University of Sheffield’s Students’ Union and Black and Minority Ethnic (BME) Committee. Champions will lead training sessions for students across campus and University residences, equipping students with skills for future life in a global workplace.’

One cited example of a microaggression was: Asking a person frying a plantain ‘why are you cooking a banana?’ Plantains are members of the banana family.

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