20schemes has launched a new website 20schemesEquip.com in response to their growing worldwide audience. Equip is a site dedicated to articles, book reviews, videos, their podcast, and much more. All content relates directly to ministry in hard communities around the world. It also highlights content written from various difficult contexts around the world.
This site is more than just a blog; it is a bank of resources. The site launched with hundreds of unique articles, organised by topic, relevant to ministry among the poor. The topics include things like addiction, abuse, suicide, mental health, and pastoral ministry.
In the ‘Uncut’ podcast, Mez McConnell interviews practitioners serving among the poor. Songs composed by and for those living in poor communities will also be available. 20schemes Equip will tell the story behind the songs and provide lead sheets so others across the UK and the world might sing them. Training courses are also being developed to provide certifications in various aspects of urban ministry, with specialisms for women’s workers, church planters, youth and children’s workers, biblical counselling, and more.