2019 marks the bicentenary of Grove Chapel, Camberwell, south London, an historic, independent and non-conformist congregation in which the gospel has been faithfully preached throughout its history.
It all began with the conversion of a young man from Hertfordshire called Joseph Irons (1785-1852), who very soon experienced a desire to preach Christ and, through a remarkable series of providential events, found himself preaching at Camden Chapel in Camberwell, a mile or so from the present site of Grove Chapel. After being rejected by those in charge of the church for preaching God’s sovereign grace and faith in Christ alone, a breakaway group called Irons as pastor of a new church, in a new building.
The foundation stone was laid on 15 March 1819, and just four months later, on 20 July, the newly completed chapel was open for its dedication service.
Praying for God to raise up new true leaders
Everywhere you look, you see politics and politicians. News coverage has seldom been as dominated by politics as it has …