EMA: lifting up the cross

Jamie Southcombe  |  UK & Ireland
Date posted:  1 Aug 2019
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EMA: lifting up the cross

Around 1,000 gathered at Westminster Chapel, London from 25 – 27 June for the Evangelical Ministry Assembly. The theme this year was ‘Lifted Up: Preaching the Cross’.

Each day began with the well-known and beloved Don Carson walking through the 18th and 19th chapters of John. Carson sought both to explain the text and give ‘handles’ as to how we might explain and apply these verses to our congregations.

Josh Moody, Senior Pastor of College Church, Wheaton, Chicago, delivered two messages throughout the conference on Cross-Shaped Ministry. Using Mark 10 as a base, Moody provided valuable insights and challenging comments on the dangers of money and power in ministry.

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