Valuing A Better Foundation

Conservative Woman / en  |  UK & Ireland
Date posted:  1 May 2019
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On 25 March, The Values Foundation for Faith and Families in Education was launched in the Houses of Parliament.

Judith Nemeth, Executive Director of the multi-faith organisation, explained its three primary aims: to represent faith schools and their families (and anyone else with a traditional approach to family values) before government and its agencies; to open a debate on what British values are and so recover respect for faith in the public square; and to revisit the Equality Act of 2010, to resolve what happens legally when two or more protected characteristics clash. At present most of the protected characteristics will trump the seventh protected characteristic of religion or belief.

Not too late

On 27 March, Parliament approved the draft regulations (538 in favour, only 21 against) for Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) which had been opposed by many people of faith. It opens the door to children being taught explicitly about ‘rainbow’ issues from five years old.1 Lords appear set to approve it in April. Christians are encouraged to contact a member of the House of Lords to express concern about the content of the curriculum, asking that legislation include a parental opt-out for Relationships Education.

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