Pansexual President?

en staff  |  UK & Ireland
Date posted:  1 May 2019
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Pansexual President?


The Baptist Union has received an application for the post of President in 2020-21, supported by 25 Assembly members, from a self-declared pansexual woman.

The Baptist Union asked people to prayer-fully consider which of two candidates should serve the Union as President. The statement says: ‘The question for discernment is who is the most appropriate candidate for this particular season in our Union’s life’.

Committed Baptist?

Dawn Cole-Savidge says she is a committed Baptist, ‘wholeheartedly affirming the role of the local church and the authority of Christ as revealed through the Scriptures’. She trained at Spurgeon’s College. She also describes herself as pansexual. Although much debated by LGBT people, most pan-sexuals don’t ‘see’ gender. They are attracted to people regardless of them being male, female or transgender. This is slightly different to bisexuality, but there is some overlap between the expressions. Cole-Savidge says she is happily married to her husband.

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