In 2011 Adam and Julia Laughton moved to Gravesend to start the Gateway Project, a house-based church-planting initiative of the Association of Grace Baptist Churches (South East).
They focused particularly on building friendships in their immediate neighbourhood, seeking to grow a church group in their own home. They were joined in 2016 by Nigel and Lucy Hoad, who moved into the new Ebbsfleet Valley development.
Ebbsfleet Garden City is a new town adjacent to the Bluewater Shopping Centre, east of the Dartford Crossing in Kent. The Ebbsfleet Development Corporation was set up by the Government to deliver up to 15,000 homes and create a 21st-century garden city in north Kent. Although the development of Ebbsfleet Valley was set back many years by the credit crunch, the wheels began to turn in 2014 and now nearly 500 homes have been built.