Some seem to be more equal than others... / en  |  UK & Ireland
Date posted:  1 Dec 2018
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Despite a hate crime being one that is defined as such by the person who presents themselves as the victim, in October the police in Scotland demonstrated less than equal or fair treatment of ‘protected groups’ before the law when faith is involved.

After contacting police in Scotland about a hate incident after posters were placed around Dundee which strongly implied religious people were responsible for hate crimes (November en), David Robertson was told by the police that in fact he was wrong; no hate crime had occurred.

‘Dear Bigots...’

The posters’ text read: ‘Dear Bigots, you can’t spread your religious hate here. End of sermon.’ Even the text font used on the poster is that of the prayer book, making a further connection between the words and the intended recipient. The poster, one in a series, was financed by the Scottish Government.

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