Anti-free speech police

The Christian Institute / en  |  UK & Ireland
Date posted:  1 Nov 2018
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Anti-free speech police

Another poster in the same series

David Robertson, who writes as the Wee Flea online, reported both Police Scotland and the Scottish Government for a ‘hate incident’ in September.

It concerned posters with anti-religious sentiments which could result in people attacking those with a faith. The message ‘Dear Bigots, you can’t spread your religious hate here. End of sermon. Yours, Scotland’ appeared around Dundee alongside others that tackled physical and verbal abuse.

Hating Christians?

The implication of this poster is that religious people are those who are phobic and abusive. Robertson noted that ‘by [their] own criteria, [the] posters, especially the one on religion, is a hate incident. I perceive it as being motivated by hate and prejudice.’

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