New church for Huntingdon

Jon Gilbert  |  UK & Ireland
Date posted:  1 Sep 2018
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New church for Huntingdon

Commissioning service at St Andrew the Great

Huntingdon is a market town about 20 miles to the north-west of Cambridge with a population of about 24,000. Being situated where the River Great Ouse meets the Roman Ermine Street (from London to York), Huntingdon has always been situated on a crossroads.

Although there are a number of small churches from various denominations, the rapidly growing population of Huntingdon and the surrounding area means that there is a huge need to proclaim the good news of Jesus’ salvation to the many who currently have no church connection.

So, two years ago, the Diocese of Ely approached St Andrew the Great (StAG) and asked them to consider planting in Huntingdon under a Bishop’s Mission Order, a new form of Church of England plant which sits alongside the existing parish system. StAG has a recent history of church planting (this will be the fourth). With the tag-line ‘The gospel to Cambridge, gospel workers to the world’, the church was keen to undertake and support this project, despite the financial and people costs. It will be led by Charlie Newcombe, who has been Associate Vicar at StAG for the last four years, and the church will launch publicly, God willing, on Sunday 16 September 2018.

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