On 3 July George Verwer celebrated his 80th birthday and announced a tour of the UK to 20 or so train stations to give friends a chance to meet him and pray.
He said he needed a ‘sabbatical’ from big events after last year’s OM 60th celebration. George said he wanted to be able to have time to sit with people, and big parties don’t allow for that. So through July and August he plans to sit in coffee shops and train stations for a few hours so people can have a few minutes conversation, ‘maybe a prayer and for sure a photo – for me maybe a few tears’.
Global mission
After becoming a Christian during a Billy Graham rally, he made a commitment to global mission and spreading God’s Word on a massive scale. He and others travelled first to Mexico to distribute Christian literature and OM was born. His vision for mission was that the local Christian community would be in leadership wherever possible, rather than foreigners.