Keller at Westminster

John Ross / The Christian Institute /  |  UK & Ireland
Date posted:  1 Aug 2018
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Keller at Westminster

Tim Keller speaking at the prayer breakfast in Westminster Hall

On 19 June, 170 Members of Parliament , including the Prime Minister, came together for breakfast, prayer and a very clear address from Dr Tim Keller.

About 300 leaders of churches and Christian organisations also attended alongside Black Rod and the Speaker. Christian leaders were encouraged to invite their own MP to the breakfast. Ian Blackford MP, who chaired the event, said it was ‘very significant’ that the Prime Minister had attended.

Salt of the earth

Keller was asked to speak on ‘What can Christianity offer our society in the 21st century?’ He looked at Matthew 5.13 and showed what it meant for Christians to be salt in society. Salt both flavours and preserves and Keller’s call to followers of Jesus was to remain distinctive, so that they can flavour and preserve. His plea to the leaders of the country was to allow Christians to continue to remain true to their calling to be salt and to let them make their unique contribution to society.

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