Around central London there are a number of midweek lunchtime meetings where the Bible is taught.
Every Tuesday from 1.10 to 1.45 at the Protestant Truth Society Bookshop, at 184 Fleet Street in the City, there is a lunchtime meeting with a difference. It is the Bite-size School of Theology (BST) where, for a half hour, between 20 to 30 people meet to learn about theology. The sessions are mainly led by Dr Kenneth Brownell (Senior Minister at East London Tabernacle Baptist Church in Mile End) who, after an introduction, leads a discussion on the day’s topic. Currently the group is working on the Heidelberg Catechism with occasional forays into church history.
Interactive sessions
In the past the group has looked at various classic Christian books, such as John Calvin’s Brief Summary of the Christian Faith and J.C. Ryle’s Holiness. The interactive sessions are always lively and in a good spirit. The participants are a diverse group in terms of age, professions and backgrounds. The BST is a ministry of East London Tabernacle in partnership with the Protestant Truth Society and Christian Heritage London. Anyone working in the Fleet Street area is welcome to join the group.
The re-emergence of heavy shepherds
What would you think if you received a letter from your church leaders that read like this? ‘Are church …