Word Alive: building up God’s people

Greg Tarr  |  UK & Ireland
Date posted:  1 May 2018
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Word Alive: building up God’s people

Mike Cain gave the main Bible teaching

The sun was out this year for nearly 4500 people as they arrived in Prestatyn, North Wales for the annual Word Alive gathering from 7-12 April.

The large number of people did put a slight strain on accommodation and programme venues, but these were minor niggles compared to what was happening during the week – God speaking through his word.

Families learning together

The main Bible readings were given by Mike Cain from the book of Nehemiah. Mike looked at the rebuilding of Jerusalem and how Nehemiah prioritised the building up of God’s people, revealing God to be faithful to his promise to build a people – a promise that is fulfilled in Christ and in the Church. The children were taught from Nehemiah as well – 1100 under 18s – and this enabled families to discuss w hat they have been learning from the Bible together.

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