Unwanted gay feelings?

Victoria Vinet  |  UK & Ireland
Date posted:  1 Apr 2018
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Unwanted gay feelings?

Mike Davidson of Core Issues Trust

People are calling it hateful, homophobic and prejudiced. The film Voices of the Silenced was due to premiere on 8 February at Vue cinema, Piccadilly, London. After reviewing the content of the documentary Vue backed out, fearing criticism. Screening arrangements were made elsewhere.

Using worldwide research and expert analysis, Core Issues Trust (CIT) aims to expel the idea that homosexuality is a matter of genetics or simple preference. Founder Mike Davidson and his team explore the modern-day dogma of sexual politics and legislation, drawing on the contributions of ancient Jewish values to Western civilisation and the similarities between the pre-Christian Graeco-Roman world and the modern-day repeats of its pansexual culture.

Voices of the Silenced proposes reconciliation with the West’s fundamental Judeo-Christian heritage, investigating how the sciences have become servants of ideology, and exploding the myth of neutral secularism and its dangers to society. It reminds us that the gospel, whether equated to personal faith or not, has influenced the West profoundly. Davidson believes that if we forget our Judeo-Christian values, new totalitarianisms will replace them.

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