Cambridge women

Rosie Gathercole  |  UK & Ireland
Date posted:  1 Apr 2018
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Cambridge women

Eden Chapel was the venue

With temperatures outside plummeting, over 300 women came to Eden Baptist Church in Cambridge on 24 February for ‘Abide’, the 2018 Cambridge Women’s Bible Conference.

The main talks were given by Jane McNabb. She taught from John 15, encouraging all to remain in the vine, Jesus, with a reminder that it’s only by remaining in him that fruit-bearing can happen for the glory of God. In addition, she explained some of the wonderful privileges if we abide in him. She did an excellent job of opening up the passage and gently teaching and applying God’s Word in a way that included women of every age and season of life.

Discussions in small groups followed Jane’s first talk, and after lunch, a choice of six seminars. These included a seminar for ministry wives by Carolyn Ash and Debbie Hardyman, one on work from Rebecca Benton and one seminar specifically for 14-18-year-olds entitled ‘What is true love?’ with Alyce Grimshaw. The inclusion of older teenage girls was a particular strength of this event. It was great to see mums attending the conference with their teenage daughters.

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