Spirit and power preaching

Jeremy Middleton  |  UK & Ireland
Date posted:  1 Mar 2018
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Spirit and power preaching

Neil Powell, Jeremy Middleton & Liam Goligher

Around 150 members of the Crieff Fellowship gathered at Crieff Hydro over three days in January to benefit from the ministries of Dr Liam Goligher and Neil Powell.

Liam Goligher gave four powerful and profoundly insightful addresses from the book of Psalms (with, against the backdrop of Psalm 8, a detour in the second address into Proverbs 8) which stretched the minds and warmed the hearts of those privileged to be present, enabling us to ‘fix our eyes on Jesus’.

Spirit and scholarship

Quite apart from the rich fare served up in the content, the manner of his ministry was itself a compelling reminder to all of the need that the preacher has to be marked by both a painstaking scholarship and the anointing of the Spirit. Neither on its own is sufficient in ministering God’s Word, and Liam’s ministry was perhaps, apart from anything else, a timely reminder of the need for that Spirit-empowered depth to the preaching of the Word.

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