Dick Saunders 1930 – 2018

Paul Barnes  |  UK & Ireland
Date posted:  1 Mar 2018
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Dick Saunders   1930 – 2018

Dick Saunders, international ‘crusade’ and radio evangelist, Bible teacher and pastor, died 19 January, 2018 aged 87.

Richard (‘Dick’) Stephen Saunders was born in Hailsham, East Sussex, on 16 July, 1930, the son of a Strict Baptist lay-pastor, Alfred Saunders. He grew up surrounded by the prayers and godly example of his parents, and trusted Christ as his own Saviour at the age of 18. Soon after his conversion he married Betty (née Thomas).

A fire for evangelism

Billy Graham’s Harringay Crusade of 1954 was pivotal in preparing Dick for a lifetime of preaching the gospel: ‘The Lord lit a fire of evangelism in my bones’, he later recalled.

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