Modern mission pressures

Luke Jenner  |  UK & Ireland
Date posted:  1 Dec 2017
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Modern mission pressures

GBM: the new missionaries introduce themselves

The Grace Baptist Mission (GBM)’s Annual Mission Day took place on 21 October and proved to be an encouraging time.

It contained the usual mix of missionary updates, the chance to pick up high-quality resources to help us to pray, give and think more effectively, and treasured fellowship with hundreds of other globally-minded Christians from across the UK.

Some consider the ‘delegates meeting’ to be the stuffy part of the day that is best avoided; the annual formalities of things like approving which finance firm should audit the accounts is not exactly riveting. But GBM showed beyond all doubt that it is a movement of churches committed to honesty, faith, prayer and wisdom when it comes to the whole matter of supporting global mission in a climate of enormous financial pressure and uncertainty. These challenges are facing virtually every Christian charity today, and God has seen fit not to exempt GBM.

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