London: Reformation 500

Kenneth Brownell  |  UK & Ireland
Date posted:  1 Dec 2017
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The Reformation rediscovery of the gospel can be summed up in two words, ‘Do’ and ‘Done’ said Pete Woodcock at the start of the Reformation 500 Conference at East London Tabernacle on 6 and 7 October.

Peter was preaching from Romans 1.16-17, the passage that Luther struggled to understand when he made his great breakthrough. He realised that righteousness was not what God demanded we do, but what he gives those who believe in Jesus on the basis of what he has done. Pete passionately reminded the audience of the gospel at the heart of the Reformation and biblical Christianity.

Garry Williams of the Pastors’ Academy gave two excellent talks, the first on lessons from Luther’s early life to 1521, in which he wove together his life and doctrine. The second was on Luther’s theology of the cross and what that means for Christian living and suffering. Kenneth Brownell, senior minister at ELT Baptist Church, gave a talk on the older Luther, focusing on his understanding and practice of prayer. Ben Virgo concluded the conference with the five Reformation ‘solas’ as exemplified in the lives of five great British Christians.

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