Genesis Reformation

The Revd Stephen Bazlinton  |  UK & Ireland
Date posted:  1 Dec 2017
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Genesis Reformation

Dr Voddie Baucham | photo: Jonathan Hunt

West Bromwich, on 26–28 October, saw 1,600 people from 16 nations, including 500 under-18-year-olds, attend the UK Mega Conference, sponsored by Answers in Genesis.

The programme, entitled ‘Inspiring a Genesis Reformation’, was instigated to echo the Reformation of 1517 standing on the authority of the Scriptures, especially with regard to the early chapters of Genesis.

The Reformers and Scripture

Each generation, Ken Ham reminded us, needed to measure itself against the standard of Scripture which the Reformers set before the church in the 16th century. The widening chasm between the secular and the biblical worldview has come to be through the ancient challenge, ‘Has God said?’, applied now from Genesis through to Revelation.

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