Thanks for Erroll

JEB  |  UK & Ireland
Date posted:  1 Oct 2017
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Thanks for Erroll

A thoughtful congregation at the end of the service

As a young Christian, Erroll Hulse had prayed that if the Lord were to call him into the ministry could it be to a small out-of-the-way church down a country lane, so that when good things happened everyone would know it a work of God and all the glory would go to him.

In the early 1960s he was called to just such a church, Cuckfield Baptist Church in rural Sussex. Constituted with just 12 members, from there many were converted and a worldwide ministry among Reformed Baptists took off.

Cuckfield service

It was at Cuckfield Baptist Church, now reconstructed, that a large congregation gathered on Monday 21 August to remember Erroll, who died on 3 August, and to thank God for his life.

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