Grace Partnership: stoking the fire

JEB  |  UK & Ireland
Date posted:  1 Oct 2017
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Grace Partnership: stoking the fire

Arturo Azurdia

Accurate exegesis of the Bible does not necessarily guarantee good preaching.

Spirit empowered preaching is something more and it brings deep conviction of sin and changed lives. Some of the main NT texts which address this vital matter are found in Acts 2, 1 Thessalonians 1 and in the Upper Room discourse in John’s Gospel.

Spirit empowered

These passages were much in evidence at the Grace Baptist Partnership Conference held at The Hayes, Swanick 22-24 August, which took as its title Spirit Empowered Preaching. It was wonderful to see both Reformed truth and Holy Spirit fire brought together during these days. 54 churches were represented, many of which are church revitalisation schemes which the Lord has begun to bless across the country. The excitement of what God is doing and the ethnic mix of the 200 or so brothers and sisters was notable.

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