London Seminary: a biblical generation

Gary Brady  |  UK & Ireland
Date posted:  1 Aug 2017
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London Seminary: a biblical generation

Dr Al Mohler of Southern Baptist Theological Seminary speaking at London Seminary

London Seminary, LTS as it was called then, was a very small affair when it began in 1977, the year of Ford Fiestas, Abigail’s Party and the Yorkshire Ripper.

The Seminary is not large now, but in those 40 years – a whole generation in biblical terms – over 400 men have been trained for pastoral and preaching ministry, the bulk of whom are still ministering today. They work all over the country, from Inverness and Dundee down to Eastbourne and Bournemouth, from Aberystwyth across to East Anglia, in the capital itself and in nations all over the world. More than that, other ventures, such as the John Owen Centre and the newly announced Flourish course for women, have been introduced to support and strengthen the work.

Philip Eveson

It was appropriate that at the Seminary’s annual service on the last Saturday in June, the Chairman should be Philip Eveson, the second of three Principals who have led the work. He took the opportunity to remind us of the work’s beginnings all those years ago. He was also able to represent the Board in giving a big thank you to our Secretary for 39 of those last 40 years, Brian Stevens, as well as publicly thanking Robert and Sarah Strivens, with the help of Board Chairman Spencer Cunnah, on behalf of the Seminary.

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