Equipped 317: tough questions answered

Adrian Tribe  |  UK & Ireland
Date posted:  1 Aug 2017
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Equipped 317: tough questions answered

Dr Peter Williams

If you ever get the opportunity to hear Dr Peter J. Williams (Principal of Tyndale House, Cambridge) speak at a conference, grab it with both hands!

On Saturday 24 June, I had the privilege of hearing Dr Williams for the first time, speaking at the third Equipped 317 Ebbsfleet Bible Conference, where he was helping about 200 attendees to be better equipped to respond to attacks on Scripture. His talks, under the titles ‘It’s Not Fair’, ‘It’s Not True’ and ‘It’s Not God’s Word’, were very helpful indeed in strengthening our confidence in the Bible as being, in fact, fair, true and God-breathed.


In the first session, Dr Williams addressed concerns that people raise about OT violence, slavery, sexism and LGBT issues. In the second, his focus was on the historical trustworthiness of the Bible and, in the final session, he looked at a doctrine of Scripture, supposed contradictions, and the keys to unlocking a number of apparent discrepancies between different Bible passages.

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