Police hesitant over extremist reports

EN  |  UK & Ireland
Date posted:  1 Jul 2017
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Police hesitant over extremist reports

Police cordon in Ilford

Days before the Manchester and London attacks on 22 May and 3 June, reports made about suspected extremist activity emanating from a property in Ilford were met with ‘apathy and disbelief’ according to a Christian who spoke to the police.

Muslims had shared information with the Christian about possible extremism being linked to a building in the north-east London area. When this was reported to SO15, Counter Terrorism Command within the Metropolitan Police, a ‘feeling of deflation’ followed, due to their ‘apathetic response’.

Encouragement to speak out

A multi-faith event, involving key figures from all faiths within the community, calling for all to condemn any form of ‘extreme’ fundamentalism, was organised months before, as many of those involved believed that people were not speaking out about what they knew. However, this may not be the case, based upon the recent experience with SO15.

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