Third for Wooler

Alistair Fairnington  |  UK & Ireland
Date posted:  1 Jun 2017
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Third for Wooler

John Shearer, Michael & Laura Veitch, Mark Fulton, Alistair Fairnington, Gordon Stevenson

At a service on 22 April Wooler Evangelical Church, Northumberland, inducted Michael Veitch from Dunbar in East Lothian to be their new pastor after a vacancy of 16 months.

Michael will be the third pastor in Wooler since the church began in 1993. Around two hundred were present in the packed building, including former pastor David Larmour. The sound of the singing was glorious. Former pastor to Michael and his wife Laura, Rev. John Shearer from Musselburgh, read the charges to Michael, Laura and the church membership.

Passionate preaching

He then preached passionately from 1 Corinthians 2.1-5, before the minister of Dunbar C of S Parish Church, Rev. Gordon Stevenson, prayed for the new pastor and his ministry. Michael and Laura were then formally welcomed into membership. Michael is studying part time at Edinburgh Theological Seminary and Laura is expecting their third baby in June.

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