Doris Olyott 1937 –2017

EN  |  UK & Ireland
Date posted:  1 Jun 2017
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Doris Olyott 1937 –2017

If this entire edition of en was given over to the life of Doris ‘Doll’ Olyott, there would not be enough space to share how much she loved the Lord and loved people.

Born in 1937 in South Shields, her family soon moved to London. She was evacuated to North Wales, but on her return to London, when she was about eight her father died, leaving eight young children. Taking on three jobs, but with very little income, her mother taught her: ‘The Lord will provide’, and throughout her life she never worried about material provision.

The Lord’s district nurse

In Kenton, London, aged 11, she looked to Christ for salvation, forgiveness of sin and everlasting life. She became head girl at school, and began her first job in Boots. Next, she trained as a nurse at the Royal Free in London. She moved to Glasgow, where she delivered babies in tenement buildings, then returned to London as a district nurse. Throughout, she was known for her love for the Lord and her Christian witness.

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