Kent: know, show and go!

Peter Mawson  |  UK & Ireland
Date posted:  1 Apr 2017
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Kent: know, show and go!

LtoR: Steve Price (minister of All Saints, Loose) and David Jackman

What did it take to get 100 or more ordinary church members to give up a substantial part of a valuable Saturday on 25 February?

The answer is the first of a trio of ‘Ready to Go’ training courses organised by the Gospel Kent area of the South East Gospel Partnership to improve the Bible-handling skills of those involved in any Bible teaching within their church. A big attraction for the first day at All Saint’s in Loose, near Maidstone in Kent, was the presentation by David Jackman on understanding the book of Joshua.

God in the driving seat

David, who founded the highly respected Cornhill Training Course in 1991, gave a masterly analysis of the book, emphasising how, in understanding any book of the Bible, we need to spend time listening to what God is saying before making personal applications. In our preparation for any Bible teaching ‘God must be in the driving seat’ of our understanding of the book or passage. David also helpfully reminded us that, as we convey the message, we aim to engage the mind, heart and obedience of our listeners.

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