Victoria Vinet  |  UK & Ireland
Date posted:  1 Apr 2017
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Michael Wear

He’s from the reddest county in the reddest state of the US.

As a young sceptic, Michael Wear was persuaded to attend a Christian youth group – which he hated. On his way out a volunteer handed him a tract from Romans, no commentary, just the text. ‘You can reject Paul’s argument in Romans, but you can’t pretend that it doesn’t exist after you’ve read it.’ Some 72 hours later he gave his life to Christ.

Michael grew up in a big Italian Catholic family, he would discern between the Saints according to the foods he liked, associated with the traditional holidays – not the most theologically reflective faith. When Michael made the conscious decision to follow Christ, he figured the way to go from there was to go to seminary, become a pastor, ‘What else do Christians do?’ Fortunately, he had a good pastor and an understanding of civic duty, which lead him to Washington to pursue his desire to know what it means to be a Christian in public life.

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