GBM: who will go?

JEB  |  UK & Ireland
Date posted:  1 Dec 2016
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GBM: who will go?

Luke Jenner

Overseas missionaries are still very much needed. The title of this year’s conference of the Grace Baptist Mission was ‘Here Am I, Send Me’. No punches pulled there!

The meetings took place this year at the Friends Meeting House next to Euston Station in London on Saturday 29 October. It is a convenient place to travel to and people came from all over the country in their hundreds to this challenging and very uplifting day. There was a plethora of seminars given by serving missionaries from Brazil, the Philippines, Poland, France and central Asia, as well as reports concerning radio work and outreach to Asian communities in various cities in Britain.

Need to pray

The nuts and bolts of a call from God to the mission field were examined via a video interview with Graham and Sally Jones who work in Kenya. The challenges of what is required to adjust to a new environment once you land in the field were laid out. Jason Mufitt, who works on the Amazon river in Brazil, emphasised the responsibility for both the missionary and the sending church to ‘pray God’s will into reality’.

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