Downs Syndrome, powerful documentary

en staff  |  UK & Ireland
Date posted:  1 Nov 2016
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Downs Syndrome, powerful documentary

Sally Philips with her son Olly

Exploring the new Downs Syndrome (DS) antenatal testing, the actress Sally Philips (she of Miranda fame – ‘Bear with, bear with’) presented a programme on BBC2 on 5 October which was both uplifting and heart-breaking.

Nine out of ten people terminate their pregnancy upon being given a confirmation of DS during screening programmes at around 15 weeks of pregnancy. This rate has risen by 40% in the last ten years. Sally explored the new NIPT/cfDNA tests and the ethics surrounding them, noting that at 99% accuracy, it may even result in the population of people with DS being wiped out.

Endless capacity for joy

Using her experience, Sally questioned what is so intolerable about having a child with DS: ‘I was expecting tragedy, but I got comedy,’ as she showed how her son and many others like him have an endless capacity for joy and a love of life and people that shames society at large.

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