Cuckfield: shepherding news

Mark Pibworth / en  |  UK & Ireland
Date posted:  1 Nov 2016
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Cuckfield: shepherding news

LtoR: Jon Broome, Greg Strain, Will Cockram and Mark Pibworth

Maybe the sheep wandering into a service at Cuckfield Baptist Church (CBC) in September was just curious to hear the new undershepherd, Will Cockram, inducted in late August, or perhaps it wanted to check out the new building in which the church meets.

Whichever the answer, with a series in Colossians under way, and a good welcome from the church community and the people in the village, the change from urban life to the countryside has been a wonderful one for Will and his family.

Already, relational fruit is being seen through the work in the CBC toddler group and the church is praying for five families to come to know Christ. Living in the ‘goldfish bowl’ of ministry life in a more rural area has been good, especially as it has made evangelism easier.

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