The summer of 2016 has seen answers to prayer for those involved in the work of Friends International across the UK.
International friends in Bournemouth heard the gospel story and responded by taking Bibles and tracts in good numbers. Edinburgh also had a good number coming along to nightly Bible studies.
Cafés in Manchester
In Manchester, over 120 new people came to the cafés and two Bible-study groups took place almost every evening. Some responded positively, with a total of 47 wishing to come to church and 28 wanting to attend a Bible study. One person has already committed her life to Christ. The prayer is that the work which was started in the lives of these students will go on to completion as they are followed up by café team members and their churches. Eleven churches in Manchester contributed to the outreach through prayer, financial gifts, hosting team members and providing meals for the team or cakes for the cafés.