Revival Conference

Kerry & Rose Orchard  |  UK & Ireland
Date posted:  1 Sep 2016
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Revival Conference

Geoff Thomas

2-9 July saw the 17th annual Revival Conference at Bryntirion, Bridgend. The main speakers were Geoff Thomas (pictured) and Phil Hill, who shared the six well-attended evening preaching meetings.

The latter dealt with the suddenness and unexpected nature of revival as illustrated from Jonah, how God can bless a mere remnant (Ezra) and importunate praying (Genesis 32.26).

Geoff Thomas preached on ‘Jesus: Prophet, Priest and King’. He also preached on experiential passages from 2 Timothy each morning, leading to times of corporate prayer. Phil Hill’s four lectures introduced us to ‘Baptist Noel’, the history of the Baptist Revival Fellowship, Dr Lloyd-Jones and post-war Baptist life in Wales and Union’s work in Wales.

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