Not the same God

Victoria Vinet  |  UK & Ireland
Date posted:  1 Sep 2016
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Not the same God

Andrea Williams

On 12 July at The Law Society in Chancery Lane, London, Christian Concern hosted a book launch for Not the Same God, written by two former Muslims, converts to the Christian faith.

Christian Concern is a non-profit organisation founded by Andrea Williams. She said of the book that it ‘certainly shines a spotlight on contemporary culture’, one in which there is considerable pressure to minimise differences between religions and to accept that Muslims and Christians worship the same God.

Sufficient similarity?

The book addresses this question and challenges the concept of ‘sufficient similarity’. The evening was guided by the expertise of author Sam Solomon and co-author Atif Debs, as they debunked the myth of ‘sameness’. Colin Dye, senior minister at Kensington Temple for 25 years, who wrote the Foreword for the book, said that making a claim that both religions worship the same God is yielding to a process that steadily Islamises the whole of the Bible ‘and that is a very dangerous process.’

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