Mildred Bowman 1927 –2016

International Nepal Fellowship  |  UK & Ireland
Date posted:  1 Sep 2016
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Mildred Bowman 1927 –2016

Mildred (Mil) recently celebrated her 89th birthday but, sadly, had not enjoyed good health for a number of years.

Mil died peacefully in hospital in the early evening on Sunday 31 July 2016, in her home town of Newport in Wales.


Mil served in Nepal with INF (International Nepal Fellowship) in a variety of roles from 1960 to 1987. In her early years there she worked as a nurse-midwife in the Shining Hospital in Pokhara. She is affectionately remembered by many people for her hospitality and love of telling people about Jesus. She worked closely with a young Nepali man, G, who went on to become a lifelong friend of Mil’s. Linda Gould recalls the day in the Malpas Road Evangelical Church prayer meeting in Wales, when the Spirit came down. They later learnt that G had become a Christian at about that time. He went on to train as a pastor and continues to lead a work in the west of Nepal.

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