Gay brainwashing of children?

Trevor Baxter  |  UK & Ireland
Date posted:  1 Jun 2016
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Gay brainwashing of children?

Russell Hobby| photo: BBC

Russell Hobby, general secretary of the National Association of Head Teachers reported in April that his members are being besieged day and night by parents complaining that their children are being brainwashed about homosexuality.

This is not surprising given the examples of ‘good practice’ in ‘diversity teaching’ found on Ofsted’s website.

Ignorant, uncaring or stupid?

These examples frequently draw an analogy between homosexuality and hair colour, or skin colour, implying that moral implications are as alien to a homosexual lifestyle as they must be to the colour of one’s hair. Children take the cue that anyone who expresses moral reservations is ignorant, uncaring or stupid. Many would see such techniques as undoubtedly being indoctrination.

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