Floods: churches help clear up

FIEC / en  |  UK & Ireland
Date posted:  1 Feb 2016
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Floods: churches help clear up

Aftermath of floods in Carlisle | photo: FIEC

Members of an FIEC church in Carlisle have played an active role in helping the clear-up operation following December’s devastating floods.

Hundreds of homes were affected when Storm Desmond battered the North West of England and the vast majority of those flooded in Carlisle were within a half-mile radius of Carlisle Baptist Church. A number of folk connected to the church were forced out of their homes. The storm also affected the church itself as the school hall they meet in for Sunday worship was flooded and is unlikely to be available for months to come.

Pastor Peter Walkingshaw said the church was eager to help with the huge clear-up operation. He said: ‘In the immediate aftermath we were well placed to respond to the pressing needs of people affected. Our church family rose to this challenge and we were able to provide hot soup and hot drinks as well as distribute donated items. We also bought and distributed cleaning products and buckets, while the church mobilised teams to help people emptying contents from their homes out onto the street.’ The church has set up a fund, details of which can be found at https://my.give.net/CBCFloodAppeal

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