Vital vitamins for marriage

Taiwo Adewuyi  |  UK & Ireland
Date posted:  1 Nov 2015
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Vital vitamins for marriage

Ade Omooba

‘Love, Dating and Marriage’, an event held in London on 26 September, was a sold out, full-house, event with guest speakers that included the Revd Ade Omooba, co-founder of Christian Concern.

A couple began the evening by sharing personal insights into their relationship over the past 28 years. Next to speak was Pastor Dr Jonathan Oloyede who wowed the crowd with his presentation entitled the ‘Ten Love Commandments’. Along with this, he spoke about what he called the essential vitamins, A3, for every married woman and the vitamins E3 for every married man. Vitamins A3 were described as Affection, Affirmation and Attention. Vitamins E3 were described as Esteem, Encourage and Eros (sexual love). He went concisely through each of the Ten Love Commandments. Questions and answers were held until after the last presentation. Last to speak was Ade Omooba who spoke on the ‘Reality of the Times’, noting how love is now being demeaned by a highly organised enemy that strives to author confusion and destruction to the core of the foundations of the family. He did not shy away from the realities behind topics often overlooked by Christians including LGBT issues. He encouraged women: ‘Be so lost in God that if any man is going to find you, they have to go through God…’ He pleaded with young adults to take what they heard from the speakers very seriously.

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